

The 教育学院 at 好的赌博软件推荐 offers programs for 本科 and graduate students who are interested in teaching and leadership careers in all fields of education. SPU-educated teachers and administrators are in high demand throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond. If you want to make a positive difference in the lives of children and families, 在学校里, SPU可以让你做到这一点.


There is no medicine like hope, and education offers hope by extending the privilege of learning. The 教育学院 aims to positively influence the region, 这个国家, 通过装备教育领袖来改变世界. This goal is shaped by our Christian faith and values as articulated in Micah 6:8: 耶和华向你要什么呢? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. 

We are committed to preparing you for service and leadership among diverse learners in schools and communities, including specifically urban schools and communities. And we are committed to doing this by developing both your professional competence and personal character as an educator in order to positively influence student learning. 通过整合 服务、领导、品格和能力, the 教育学院 prepares you to live out SPU's 任务: to engage the culture and change the world.


好的赌博软件推荐成立于120多年前, and the University has been preparing some of the most sought-after educators in the region 在过去的一个世纪. Today, entrance to 教育学院 programs can be highly competitive. Faculty members have worked to develop programs of quality, 严格, and relevance based upon current research and best practice in the field.

All faculty members hold a doctorate and teach their own classes, and many have a 国家 and inter国家 reputation in their areas of expertise. They are known for mentoring their students during and following their educational programs. These professors model lifelong learning through scholarly activities of their own, publishing frequently and presenting at professional conferences.


教育学院提供三种 本科 研究生教师认证项目,两个 博士课程,七 硕士学位课程,五 研究生认证项目,和 职业教育中心. 而许多学生接受培训成为教师, 其他人则准备担任学校辅导员, 校长, 负责人, 民政事务处人员, 或者是高等教育的教授.

Embracing change and producing qualified teachers for hard-to-fill positions are the reasons for a dramatic shift in SPU teacher education. Firmly rooted at the 本科 level for the 教育学院's first 70 years, 今天 more than half of those recommended for teaching certificates have completed a master's degree program.


At the heart of 西雅图 Pacific’s approach to the discipline of education is a focus on opportunity for all, including those who have traditionally been underserved and underrepresented in society. The 教育学院 values the richness that diversity brings to the learning community at SPU, and faculty and students strive to love their neighbors, 寻求不分种族的和解, 种族, 性别, 或类.

作为其努力创造一个好客的一部分, diverse community – on and off campus – the 教育学院 works to increase the diversity of faculty, 工作人员, and students; creates opportunities for students to engage within the greater community and among diverse populations; and addresses issues of diversity and reconciliation through the academic program.


In keeping with their commitments to leadership and service, the 教育学院 faculty and students are fully engaged in the community at the local, 区域, 国家, 以及国际层面.

社区参与有许多不同的形式, including grants for community-focused research; annual "Go to College" days on the SPU campus for children from inner-city schools; SPU-sponsored conferences for educators and community members; and academic exchanges with educators around the world. Because of longtime partnerships with 区域 schools, 教育学院 本科 and graduate teacher and administrator certificate interns have been active in the lives of students throughout the area for decades.

在点 SOE


探索 通讯 专为SPU教育学院的校友和朋友而设.



“My courses at SPU pushed me to think about how I might go beyond teaching basic skills — and think about how I might teach in a way that actually changes my students’ life prospects,安德鲁·海斯说, 毕业于SPU的ARC项目.


阅读有关愿景的内容, 任务, and commitments that guide the 教育学院 as it prepares educational leaders.



真实的故事,真实的毕业生. It’s always good to hear how alumni have found their way into the world of teaching.



Is this the right teacher preparation program for you? Compare notes with current students as they share their dreams and their stories.